Software Developed by Our Associates and Used Commercially by Techsource
- SDC Geologix Software
- GEOLite and GEOView Read-Only and Interactive
- PC Based Geological and Log Information Gathering and Transmission Software, for Wellsite and Office Use and Communication
- Production Geoscience Software
- Interactive Petrophysics Oilfield Data Manager
Permanently licensed software used by TechSource in software multidiscipline studies
- All of the above products and
- StrataBugs
- SeisWorks 3D
- Seisworks 2D
- Openworks
- Zmap+
- 3DVl
- PostStack/Pal
Access licensed software used by TechSource within multidiscipline studies
- Geo-data Works
- OpenVision
- PetroWorks / Logedit
- ProMAX
- Wellbore Manager
- Wellbore Planner
- Quick Plot
- Stratamodel
- CPS-3 4.5
- TerraStation II